Sunday, July 9, 2017

Free word art for all of us who get older every day

Here is an expression I have always used, and as I get older (and older, and older) I appreciate even more.  Hope you enjoy it, and I hope you are having a wonderful summer.  It has FINALLY arrived in Northern New Hampshire!  Never thought I'd miss sweating!  Hooray for heat!

You can download the PNG file for this on Box HERE, and the JPG for this on Box HERE.

Kat D.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Freebie word art!

Hi there!  It's been awhile since I've posted, mostly because I don't have much to offer.  I've gotten into a new hobby, beading, and I'm not good enough at it to share anything yet.  But I looked into my old files and found this to share with you.  

You can download the jpg for this HERE.  Enjoy!  Kat

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A 2 sheet larger box freebie...

There are plenty of boxes available (some of them here), but most are tiny, 1 piece of paper boxes.  Sometime I need something bigger, and I bet you do too.  This carrier carton is approx. 5-3/4" long, 3-1/2" wide and 3 inches tall, plus headroom.  It would fit a couple of muffins or cupcakes nicely. It uses two sheets of paper (print twice).  It looks like this:

You can download the template jpg for this box here, and the png here.

Easter is coming, so you might want to grab my "bunny box", if you haven't got it already.  You can find it  All my boxes can be found in this folder here.

ENJOY!  Kat D.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

My husband made a comment that cracked me up, so I had to make a wordart...

Freebie word art for you, to use as you please (non-commercial, please).  Please note, for this website, a sense of humor is required. (And even that might not help!) 

Download the jpg for this HERE and the png for this HERE.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Does somebody need a spanking? Free wordart!

Don't ask me where this stuff comes from, I have a weird mind.  But maybe you can have some fun with this.

You can download the jpg for this HERE and the png for this HERE.

If you'd like to look through all my free files, you can find them HERE.  All are available for non-commercial use, so ENJOY! - Kat D.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Free word art for all the protesters of the inauguration:

I hadn't planned on putting this up today, but I just had to say it...

Thank you Molly for pointing out the spelling mistake!  I'm soooo embarrassed.  I changed the file:

Enjoy!  Kat

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A free coloring page ...

This is a very simple image I whipped up on my computer, so I'd have a base for practicing my "zentangle" type textures and squiggles.  Just thought I'd share!  Hope you can use it.  It will fit in a 4.5 x 6.5 frame.
You can download the png file here.  You can download the jpg here.  Enjoy!  Kat D.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Dad just keeps getting smarter.... and freebie word art for you!

I heard this comment yesterday, and just had to make a wordart from it.  Come back tomorrow for the "MOM" version: