A Christmas Gift Box Freebie: fits a gift card and has room for a little treat too!
Happy Holidays to you! Long time, no post, but don't feel bad... I haven't been very communicative with ANYBODY for awhile. After years on antidepressants, I felt I had to stop taking them because of nasty side effects. Then I kind of slipped into a hole for awile and did NOTHING. Now, I'm trying to find a happy medium, and trying hard to climb out of my hole and start doing things I love again. Like this blog.
Made this awhile ago, and just finally got the "whatever" to get it out to you, so you can use it for Christmas. It's not a new style box, but I wanted to fit the base to be able to hold a gift card . You can fit a candy or small toy or treat inside also, or instead. It fits a whole sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock. I have two templates for you, one with lines, and one with much paler lines.
It is a square triangle box and opens at the bottom. This is how it looks put together. Simple, but hopefully useful. Enjoy! Download them from BOX here for the lined template, AND here for the paler lined template.
A crafty place run by a glue-challanged 60+ woman with shaky hands, fat fingers and bad eyesight ... If I can do it, you can!
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
box template,
free download,
gift card box,
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
I'm aggravated. Thus, a freebie:
My husband insists on watching the news in the morning "to stay in touch". I just get aggravated. Mostly, I'm tired of the news media trying to shove their own agenda down my throat, like I'm some moron who can't think for herself. "The NEWS", whether it be from TV, newspapers, the Internet, the radio, or whatever, used to be a place you went to because you were seeking unbiased reporting of events. I'm not sure if "unbiased" was ever true, but it once, (so long ago,) seemed less biased than it is now. Now there are blatant half-truths, spins, twists and even outright lies. I was never a big fan of Mr. Trump, but let me use him for an example. At no time did he ever claim that ALL immigrants, or even all Mexican immigrants were criminals. He stated (and you can check the speech, ... please, please do) that the ILLEGAL immigrants that Mexico was SENDING HERE were mostly criminals (which is true, again you can check the facts on your own). Yet the very people who saw and recorded the speech took out a tiny part and played it over and over, twisting the meaning of the words. And people keep repeating this as if it is true! I'm so fed up with the news... people I used to respect, such as Matt Lauer, repeating this tripe and ignoring real news (like, what is up with ISIS contacting our children on social media?) to report on what nail polish color goes best with which shoes. WOW! (Matt, aren't you tired of this?)
Are you aggravated too? Good, that means you are paying attention! If so, you might like this bit of word art. It is free to download (all my stuff is), and you can download the PNG HERE and the JPEG HERE. Thanks for putting up with my rant, not normal for me, but it is my attempt at getting my blood pressure back to normal. I am grateful for your visit, come again soon.
And ENJOY! Kat D.
P.S. >>I love your comments, but if you are going to leave one for this particular post, please make it positive. I've spewed enough vitrol for all of us. Unless, of course, you are Matt Lauer, you can say whatever you want, I deserve it. LOL. Thanks!
My husband insists on watching the news in the morning "to stay in touch". I just get aggravated. Mostly, I'm tired of the news media trying to shove their own agenda down my throat, like I'm some moron who can't think for herself. "The NEWS", whether it be from TV, newspapers, the Internet, the radio, or whatever, used to be a place you went to because you were seeking unbiased reporting of events. I'm not sure if "unbiased" was ever true, but it once, (so long ago,) seemed less biased than it is now. Now there are blatant half-truths, spins, twists and even outright lies. I was never a big fan of Mr. Trump, but let me use him for an example. At no time did he ever claim that ALL immigrants, or even all Mexican immigrants were criminals. He stated (and you can check the speech, ... please, please do) that the ILLEGAL immigrants that Mexico was SENDING HERE were mostly criminals (which is true, again you can check the facts on your own). Yet the very people who saw and recorded the speech took out a tiny part and played it over and over, twisting the meaning of the words. And people keep repeating this as if it is true! I'm so fed up with the news... people I used to respect, such as Matt Lauer, repeating this tripe and ignoring real news (like, what is up with ISIS contacting our children on social media?) to report on what nail polish color goes best with which shoes. WOW! (Matt, aren't you tired of this?)
Are you aggravated too? Good, that means you are paying attention! If so, you might like this bit of word art. It is free to download (all my stuff is), and you can download the PNG HERE and the JPEG HERE. Thanks for putting up with my rant, not normal for me, but it is my attempt at getting my blood pressure back to normal. I am grateful for your visit, come again soon.
And ENJOY! Kat D.
P.S. >>I love your comments, but if you are going to leave one for this particular post, please make it positive. I've spewed enough vitrol for all of us. Unless, of course, you are Matt Lauer, you can say whatever you want, I deserve it. LOL. Thanks!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Free wordart you can use on a greeting card...
or any other way you can think of! If you have someone this special in your life, let them know.
I've got the simple word version free for you to download HERE. It's in PNG format. I was having problems with my art program saving into PNG without loosing quality. Hopefully this came out correctly... let me know!
I also have a version of this word art with a picture, if you are looking for a color printable. Sorry, I didn't save it correctly before I fixed the above said problem, so all I have is the JPG verson of this. You can download it HERE. I printed this one out for my hubby, and dotted clear glitter glue on the colored stars, which made it better, because everything is better with a little glitter, isn't it?!?
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to leave a comment. They really make my day!
Enjoy, share, be creative. Thanks for visiting! Kat
Sunday, July 19, 2015
A new freebie for you Motorcycle Enthusiasts out there...
I posted this printable download on our motorcycle craft webpage a day or so ago, then totally forgot about it. I never had much of a memory, and getting older hasn't helped it any!
I posted this printable download on our motorcycle craft webpage a day or so ago, then totally forgot about it. I never had much of a memory, and getting older hasn't helped it any!
Just a bit of fun. Might be nice to frame and hang in the hubby's garage or man cave. You can download this image HERE on Box.
And if you haven't been over to see our motorcycle webpage, we have all kinds of fun stuff, like a crafts page, free ecards, lots of motorcycle photos and information, besides tons and tons of parts. Hope you'll visit!
Enjoy! Kat D.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Free Gift Card Slider Box Template
I just love boxes, and spend way too much time trying to make new ones. Some actually work out! This one I like. I made this nifty little slider box to fit a Gift Card. It's quick and easy to make, only one edge to glue (I suggest rubber cement or a glue strip, so it doesn't pucker). I bet you can come up with some nice ways to customize it. I've been wanting to get this online for awhile, but had hoped to get some better pictures. I just decided the heck with it, since someone has my camera at the moment. This is the template:
I just love boxes, and spend way too much time trying to make new ones. Some actually work out! This one I like. I made this nifty little slider box to fit a Gift Card. It's quick and easy to make, only one edge to glue (I suggest rubber cement or a glue strip, so it doesn't pucker). I bet you can come up with some nice ways to customize it. I've been wanting to get this online for awhile, but had hoped to get some better pictures. I just decided the heck with it, since someone has my camera at the moment. This is the template:
You can download this template HERE ON BOX. This is what it looks like assembled:
What is cool about it is that the parts both fit into the 4.25 x 5.75" (or larger) embossing folders. As you can see the tab that gets glued sticks out, but that is ok. Just make sure you get the end you want texturized inside the folder.
For the slider part, fold the flaps over a bit, and they will fit:
I wanted a masculine gift card box, so was working on this "toolbox".
I didn't like the way it looked with "drawers", so I ended up leaving it pretty plain.
I didn't like the way it looked with "drawers", so I ended up leaving it pretty plain.
NOTE: If you are new to making paper crafts, be sure to score the fold lines before folding, it really makes a difference.
Also, I lighted up the fold lines a bit after these pictures were taken.
I wanted, and started to, make up a much prettier gift card slider box to show you, but since I don't have a camera at the moment, well... maybe later. How about you show me yours! Just leave a link in the comments section to your blog, box account or photo page.
Hope you enjoy this. Thanks for visiting. Let me know how you like it! - Kat D.
box template,
free template,
gift card box,
slider box
Friday, July 10, 2015
Cat Wordart & Picture Freebie
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. The season is so short here, we get outside every chance we get. If the weather permits, we bbq or picnic outdoors for dinner. I love it! I've been awfully sporatic with my blog posts, and I hope you will forgive me, but I'd rather be outside than in front of my computer. Even if I'm weeding the garden or mowing the lawn. However, I've missed you all, and decided to take some time out this glorious morning to post something. I just looked into the folder where I stashed some stuff and found this kitty Paula Poundstone quote. Hope you like it!
You can snag the PNG version of this at BOX here. And the JPG version here.
Don't you just love the ease of using Box? I wish more bloggers would use it. I dislike having to jump through hoops to download something, even if it is a freebie ... but I'm just lazy I guess!
Leave a note, keep it touch! And share your work if you will. Thanks, and enjoy! Kat
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. The season is so short here, we get outside every chance we get. If the weather permits, we bbq or picnic outdoors for dinner. I love it! I've been awfully sporatic with my blog posts, and I hope you will forgive me, but I'd rather be outside than in front of my computer. Even if I'm weeding the garden or mowing the lawn. However, I've missed you all, and decided to take some time out this glorious morning to post something. I just looked into the folder where I stashed some stuff and found this kitty Paula Poundstone quote. Hope you like it!
You can snag the PNG version of this at BOX here. And the JPG version here.
Don't you just love the ease of using Box? I wish more bloggers would use it. I dislike having to jump through hoops to download something, even if it is a freebie ... but I'm just lazy I guess!
Leave a note, keep it touch! And share your work if you will. Thanks, and enjoy! Kat
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
I have water! A couple of celebratory freebies ...
This weekend, the stream at the edge of our property got down enough that it was no longer silty, so we started pumping water from it. So, after a month, I finally wasn't reliant on rain water for my laundry, flushing, etc. I was feeling quite civilized! Then the hubby checked the line from the spring with air. It wasn't looking good until he tried a backflush, and then VOILA, we had WATER! Clear, clean spring water. And we won't have to spend thousands to dig a new line, thank heavens! Life is good. Now we have lots of extra water hose for the garden, too! (Needed quite a bit extra to get to the stream.)
Thought this would be a good wordart to share today. Sorry, something weird seemed to have happened to the PNG version of this when I saved it, so I only have the JPG. You can grab the download here. I guess since it's not up to my usual standards, I'll share another along the same lines:
The JPG for the camel quote can be found here. The PNG for the camel quote can be downloaded here. I made a couple of magnets out of this one to put in the Pinata I made for my hubby's B-day Fiesta party. I plan to take pics of some of the stuff I made for that, so stay posted! Enjoy, and have fun... Kat D.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Piggy and Pig Wordart Freebies
I'm overjoyed that my computer art has been downloaded so many times... as an "artist", I often have reservations about the things I create. My husband says I'm my own worse critic. I bet that is something many of you artsy and craftsy types can relate to! So it's your own fault, you've encouraged me to share MORE.
I just adore pigs. Found this Winston Churchill quote and had to make a wordart out of it. I hope you enjoy it! There are two versions, one plain, one fancy. Sorry I don't have a png file for them. BUT... I do have a png for the pig alone, so I'll share that.
First up, the word art:
You can download this one HERE
You can download this one HERE
Next, the pig alone. I've been experimenting with my art programs. If you like these, I'll make more.
You can download the PNG FILE HERE (clear background). If you do something clever with it, I'd like to see it. Just leave a link in the comments section. Thanks! And a special thanks to all you who comment, you really make my day! Have fun.... Kat D.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Earthworm Crossing Sign Freebie
Happy Spring and Cinco de Mayo! Had a great weekend working my butt off outside. Spent the morning moving rocks (lots of big rocks!), so I figured I deserved to rest a bit and upload something for you garden lovers. Don't know what possessed me to do this one, so let me know what you think.
Happy Spring and Cinco de Mayo! Had a great weekend working my butt off outside. Spent the morning moving rocks (lots of big rocks!), so I figured I deserved to rest a bit and upload something for you garden lovers. Don't know what possessed me to do this one, so let me know what you think.
You can download the JPG file HERE, and the PNG file (with clear background) HERE. Might be useful in the garden with some outdoor Modge Podge. Enjoy! Kat D.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Sunflower seed packet with quote freebie.
I love all the firsts of spring. We ran Bosco, our dog, up the hill for the first time this year, and the road was still passable because it's still pretty frozen (he runs, we sit our lazy butts in the truck). There was still a bunch of snow on the ground up there. We are hoping the warmer weather that has FINALLY arrived will unfreeze our well, and that is ONLY what the problem is. Lots of people up here got frozen wells this year, so I don't feel alone. We've been collecting rain water, and I actually found myself saying "I wish it would rain, I'd love a bath". Instead, we (and I mean my husband) will be hauling water from one of our lovely neighbor's wells. And I'll still be taking "sea showers" (if you are not a sailor, or married to one, that means: get wet, turn off water, soap up, run water just enough to rinse) . Looking forward to a good "hotel shower" (another sailor term), so keep your fingers crossed for us.
Oh, yes, I did promise you a freebie ...
You can download this sunflower quote seed packet HERE.
Hope you can have some fun with it. Sharing seeds is a VERY good thing! Enjoy ~ Kat D.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tomato Seed Packet Quote Freebie!
I promised you a "non-silly" seed packet, and here are three versions for you to choose from (why choose? Get all 3, they are free! Don't you just love "shopping" here?) . I've got cherry tomatoes started inside for my hubby. I was told I'm allergic to the things, so I've been avoiding them ... along with egg whites, gluten, dairy, bananas, avocados ... learned this year that I can't eat much of anything any more. But I still like growing things! Also have some other seedlings started, including marigolds. Now if the snow will finish melting...
Anyway, on to the free downloads:
You can download this one HERE.
The background on these two is a bit "grunge". You can download this one HERE.
And this one can be downloaded HERE.
You can follow me on Bloglovin' (link to the left), and thanks for your comments!
Kat D.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Silly Seed Packet Freebie
I was playing with seed packets, and quotes, and this one just came about (as many of my creations do... they have a life of their own and I'm just here to churn them out). It's just plain silly, but that's me. I like silly, it's fun. I've got more traditional packets I'll post soon.
Mr. Cabbage Head Seed Packet can be downloaded for free HERE. Enjoy! Kat
I was playing with seed packets, and quotes, and this one just came about (as many of my creations do... they have a life of their own and I'm just here to churn them out). It's just plain silly, but that's me. I like silly, it's fun. I've got more traditional packets I'll post soon.
Mr. Cabbage Head Seed Packet can be downloaded for free HERE. Enjoy! Kat
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Free Word Art ... awesome!
Woke up this morning to snow. Jeesh. Guess that's what I get for living on a mountain.
Here's a little freebie for all you wonderful people out there. Thank you so much for visiting!
You can get the JPG for this file HERE, or the PNG (with clear background) HERE. Enjoy! Kat D.
Woke up this morning to snow. Jeesh. Guess that's what I get for living on a mountain.
Here's a little freebie for all you wonderful people out there. Thank you so much for visiting!
You can get the JPG for this file HERE, or the PNG (with clear background) HERE. Enjoy! Kat D.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Happy Earth Day, and a free word art download ...
ALL lives matter. Really. What more can I say?
Download the free PNG file HERE or the free JPG file HERE.
Enjoy! Kat D.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Freebie full color wordart quote, high and dry...
Last night I went to draw a bath, and suddenly there was no water pressure. Turns out the pipe from the spring well we have, up the hill, is blocked or broken. Being mud season, we can't get a truck to come up to dig it out, as there are road restrictions. And the ground may still be too frozen. All the joys of living in the great northeast. It seems we may have to go a month without water. Fear not, my ever vigilant hubby is finding a way to get us water as I write this. Being packrats by nature, we have a big barrel, and we have a pump, so we will work something out. Not like I've ever been without water before ... at least we have electricity this time!
I left what few inches of water was in the tub to scoop out for flushing the toilet. Unfortunately for my big male coon cat, Bill, who likes to jump in the tub, he didn't look before he leapt this morning. So now I have a very wet bathroom and a damp and disgruntled cat.
Here is your free download preview:
You can download the JPG for this HERE, and the PNG for it HERE. Have fun with it!
Just for fun, here is a picture of my critters, all sprawled on the floor of my craftroom.
That is Bosco the dog, our little gimpy tail-less cat Stormy (aka "Kitler"), and Bill the furball up front.
Thanks for visiting! Kat
Last night I went to draw a bath, and suddenly there was no water pressure. Turns out the pipe from the spring well we have, up the hill, is blocked or broken. Being mud season, we can't get a truck to come up to dig it out, as there are road restrictions. And the ground may still be too frozen. All the joys of living in the great northeast. It seems we may have to go a month without water. Fear not, my ever vigilant hubby is finding a way to get us water as I write this. Being packrats by nature, we have a big barrel, and we have a pump, so we will work something out. Not like I've ever been without water before ... at least we have electricity this time!
I left what few inches of water was in the tub to scoop out for flushing the toilet. Unfortunately for my big male coon cat, Bill, who likes to jump in the tub, he didn't look before he leapt this morning. So now I have a very wet bathroom and a damp and disgruntled cat.
Here is your free download preview:
You can download the JPG for this HERE, and the PNG for it HERE. Have fun with it!
Just for fun, here is a picture of my critters, all sprawled on the floor of my craftroom.
That is Bosco the dog, our little gimpy tail-less cat Stormy (aka "Kitler"), and Bill the furball up front.
Thanks for visiting! Kat
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Another Word Art Freebie with Pic for the cat lovers...
A note on the last post: I have a Maine Coon Cat, and the last word art fit him to a "T". And not just the silhouette!!!
Thanks for the comments! They do really give me a boost. I do this stuff for fun (and it helps with what is left of my sanity), but sharing it is fun, too, and having you guys download my art and even leave notes makes it worth the time. Thanks!
Enjoy! Kat D.
P.S. Hi Gina!
Thanks for the comments! They do really give me a boost. I do this stuff for fun (and it helps with what is left of my sanity), but sharing it is fun, too, and having you guys download my art and even leave notes makes it worth the time. Thanks!
Enjoy! Kat D.
P.S. Hi Gina!
Monday, April 13, 2015
Free cat word art picture
It must be spring, the snow is melting. I'm almost giddy from the sunshine! Here is a quick freebie, so I get back outside. A cat themed wordart picture for to use as you please:
You can download the clear background PNG version HERE. You can download the JPG veson HERE. Have fun, and let me know if you find a good use for it! Kat D.
It must be spring, the snow is melting. I'm almost giddy from the sunshine! Here is a quick freebie, so I get back outside. A cat themed wordart picture for to use as you please:
You can download the clear background PNG version HERE. You can download the JPG veson HERE. Have fun, and let me know if you find a good use for it! Kat D.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Freebie Word Art
Good morning all! This weekend, I saw my first true sign that spring is coming ... my husband shaved off his beard and cut his hair short. He was looking kinda like a Grizzly Adams type, a mountain wildman. Now he looks a a least a decade younger! Took me two days to get used to seeing his face again, but it's still cute.
Found some word art I never got posted, so here is another free download for you. Some good words to live by, I believe. Let me know if you'd like to see something special, I'll see what I can do.
Good morning all! This weekend, I saw my first true sign that spring is coming ... my husband shaved off his beard and cut his hair short. He was looking kinda like a Grizzly Adams type, a mountain wildman. Now he looks a a least a decade younger! Took me two days to get used to seeing his face again, but it's still cute.
Found some word art I never got posted, so here is another free download for you. Some good words to live by, I believe. Let me know if you'd like to see something special, I'll see what I can do.
You can download the JPG file HERE. You can download the PNG file HERE. And for the first time, I saved it as a PDF ... let me know if that is something you'd like to see happen more often. Enjoy and be crafty! - Kat D.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Another free printable tray box for you.
The tray boxes I made for Easter were so popular, I had to make another one. This one is a sun, in celebration of SPRING! We had one whole day of spring here, then snow for the next several days. Sigh. I'm planting seeds indoors to deal with my spring fever. This tray would hold several seed packets nicely! If you need it, follow the tutorial on the bunny box to see how it folds. You can print this one on the white side of printed card stock, or if you don't have any the right size, like I didn't, you can try what I do. I printed mine on plain white cardstock, then used adhesive spray to add colored paper to the outside. I use a big cardboard box as a spraybooth (next to an open window) and spray both back sides. Wait one minute, then CAREFULLY put the papers together. Voila, printed cardstock from paper.
You can retrieve your freebie from Box. The JPG is HERE. The PNG is HERE.
Thanks for visiting! And if you like my site, don't forget you can follow me on bloglovin'. The link is to the right. Kat D.
The tray boxes I made for Easter were so popular, I had to make another one. This one is a sun, in celebration of SPRING! We had one whole day of spring here, then snow for the next several days. Sigh. I'm planting seeds indoors to deal with my spring fever. This tray would hold several seed packets nicely! If you need it, follow the tutorial on the bunny box to see how it folds. You can print this one on the white side of printed card stock, or if you don't have any the right size, like I didn't, you can try what I do. I printed mine on plain white cardstock, then used adhesive spray to add colored paper to the outside. I use a big cardboard box as a spraybooth (next to an open window) and spray both back sides. Wait one minute, then CAREFULLY put the papers together. Voila, printed cardstock from paper.
You can retrieve your freebie from Box. The JPG is HERE. The PNG is HERE.
Thanks for visiting! And if you like my site, don't forget you can follow me on bloglovin'. The link is to the right. Kat D.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
FREE Bunny Tray with alternate colors
Yesterday I posted a printable tray template with an Easter theme. I included the tutorial just to help with the "how to fold" question. Then I realized that you, like me, might have a friend who is "allergic" to pink. So here is the same tray with alternate colors. Hope you can use it!
You can download the PNG file HERE. You can download the JPG file HERE. Have fun! Feel free to share, leave a link to your project. KAT
Yesterday I posted a printable tray template with an Easter theme. I included the tutorial just to help with the "how to fold" question. Then I realized that you, like me, might have a friend who is "allergic" to pink. So here is the same tray with alternate colors. Hope you can use it!
You can download the PNG file HERE. You can download the JPG file HERE. Have fun! Feel free to share, leave a link to your project. KAT
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
A free bunny tray box printable download and my first tutorial to go with it.
I like to make little open treat boxes for easter. I'm thrilled to share this one with you. Fill it with goodies, and have a pretty picture underneath for when it's emptied!
This was so easy and quick, you could probably make several in an afternoon, and have great fun doing it.
Print it out on white (or light pastel, but the colors will change) 8.5 x 11 cardstock. I used 110 lb smooth.
Cut it out as shown, and score and fold panels inwards. Flattening your creases helps make a cleaner, squarer box. You don't need a bone folder, an old gift card or credit card works fine.
Glue the little tabs and get them tucked in nicely under the side flaps. Clothespins (these are the smaller kind) work great to hold the glue while it drys. I used rubber cement because it is so forgiving and doesn't cause warping, but use what you are comfortable with. I could have used sticky tape, but didn't think of it until I got to the lace part.
Fold down the other flaps and glue in place. Tray is done, now decide how to decorate it. At this point, anything goes, or you could even leave it plain.
(I had an image of the various choices I had on my table for ribbon, decoration and such, but for some reason it wouldn't upload, even after I waited a couple of days. Like I said on my last post, this really hasn't been a good computer week for me.)
I used sticky tape around the edge, which made it really easy to put on the lace.
This lace is fairly elastic, and I pulled it a bit tight, so it bends kind of inwards. A stiffer lace, or paper lace, would stand up better. I almost folded it over & out. I encourage experimenting, it can be so much fun!
I decided on the flower and butterfly ribbon to go around the sides. I used a thin line of tacky glue. Simple, but pretty, don't you think?
You can add a handwritten message to the bottom of the tray. I found it works much easier if you do it BEFORE you build the tray!!! Then just fill with goodies. Hmmmm.... candy, mini muffins or cupcakes, a brownie, more candy.... oooh, this is gonna be fun! Finish it off with plastic wrap if you choose.
Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did making it. Hoppy Easter! - Kat
Saturday, March 28, 2015
2 Free Bird Doodles from Covered in Glue - CU OK
I'm on a roll here, finding stuff to post from my "mine" folder. Unfortunately, while posting this, I accidentally erased an entire folder from BOX. (Seems that I'm having one of those weeks!) I tryed to fix it, but if you find any missing files, please let me know. Also, since I haven't used BOX in awhile, let me know if they change policy or anything. I use them because they are free and easy, but mostly because they don't make the downloaders wait or join or other annoying stuff. If that changes, I'd like to know.
This silly little bird above was me learning a new program and using my tablet, which I'm still not familiar with. You can download the PNG file for it HERE.
I'm on a roll here, finding stuff to post from my "mine" folder. Unfortunately, while posting this, I accidentally erased an entire folder from BOX. (Seems that I'm having one of those weeks!) I tryed to fix it, but if you find any missing files, please let me know. Also, since I haven't used BOX in awhile, let me know if they change policy or anything. I use them because they are free and easy, but mostly because they don't make the downloaders wait or join or other annoying stuff. If that changes, I'd like to know.
This silly little bird above was me learning a new program and using my tablet, which I'm still not familiar with. You can download the PNG file for it HERE.
The bird doodle above was pretty much the same thing. He's simple, but kinda cute, I think. You can download the JPG HERE or the PNG HERE. Hope some of you can use these, feel free to use however you wish. Thanks for visiting!
Kat D,
Friday, March 27, 2015
Word Art Freebie , and an apology...
Just got back, and I'm already messing up. Really, like how did I not notice until today that I left the "s" off of "grows" on the seed packets. Duh. Sorry about that.
Well, here is another word art; one that hopefully is spelled correctly. This I made for a friend who was deserted by most friends and family when he messed up and landed in jail. I stuck by him, right or wrong, because I believe in forgiveness and second chances. It was a hard choice, but I had to do it.
I hope you like it!
Go to BOX for the PNG file or JPG file.
Just got back, and I'm already messing up. Really, like how did I not notice until today that I left the "s" off of "grows" on the seed packets. Duh. Sorry about that.
Well, here is another word art; one that hopefully is spelled correctly. This I made for a friend who was deserted by most friends and family when he messed up and landed in jail. I stuck by him, right or wrong, because I believe in forgiveness and second chances. It was a hard choice, but I had to do it.
I hope you like it!
Go to BOX for the PNG file or JPG file.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Go to BOX for the png and jpg files.
Long time, no post. Sorry about that, but it seemed the longer I stayed away, the harder it became to post something new. Extra specially because I didn't have much to show. I was trying to get my health back in line, and seemed to spend all my free time finding recipes for things I could actually eat, and then cooking inedible meals from those recipes. Well, at least I lost 30+ pounds! So, boo-hoo, not much crafting, but there IS a silver lining in every cloud! I did find a few things in my computer files that I don't think I posted before, so I'll try my best to get them up as I can. This offering is something I'm not sure you can use, but maybe you can fill them will small candies, or edible seeds, or a "surpise" seed or something else and handwrite what it is. I don't even remember what I made them for, but I really like the quotes! Try printing them on pretty paper and maybe emboss. As always, have fun, use them as you will, and if you have a moment, leave me a note. Thank you!!! Kat
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Freebie Printable Seed Packets |
Long time, no post. Sorry about that, but it seemed the longer I stayed away, the harder it became to post something new. Extra specially because I didn't have much to show. I was trying to get my health back in line, and seemed to spend all my free time finding recipes for things I could actually eat, and then cooking inedible meals from those recipes. Well, at least I lost 30+ pounds! So, boo-hoo, not much crafting, but there IS a silver lining in every cloud! I did find a few things in my computer files that I don't think I posted before, so I'll try my best to get them up as I can. This offering is something I'm not sure you can use, but maybe you can fill them will small candies, or edible seeds, or a "surpise" seed or something else and handwrite what it is. I don't even remember what I made them for, but I really like the quotes! Try printing them on pretty paper and maybe emboss. As always, have fun, use them as you will, and if you have a moment, leave me a note. Thank you!!! Kat
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